CBD is an awesome addition to your everyday life. Regardless of the reason as to why you are using it, it is important to make it a simple process if you really are going to be using it consistently. Far too often, people start using a supplement on a regimented schedule, but as soon as it gets put into a cabinet, they start to fall off their schedule.
We created our CBD to solve this specific issue, as well as to implement new technology that increases the absorption rate. What is one thing that most people do on a daily basis and never skip? Coffee.
Our CBD blends are meant to be added directly into your coffee and to balance out the less than ideal effects of coffee. Through a process called nano-emulsification, we are able to break down CBD molecules so that they are water soluble. This increases bioavailability and makes the CBD have much more of an effect.
Our Favorite -
CBD Barista Blend - Our best seller and most popular product, the Barista Blend is the perfect addition to your morning coffee.
Tips -
Be consistent! If you really want to have the best experience with CBD, your body will need to get used to it, so have a schedule and don't forget about it. While studies suggest that there are no negative effects of CBD, it will work best when you're consistent.
Figure out your dosage. This can be rather tricky, so we suggest that you start on a low dose and work your way up until you are getting the desired effects.