Premium Water Soluble CBD

Simple and Effective. Add CBD to You Morning Joe or Any Other Drink with a Simple Stir.

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The #1 Cafe CBD Brand

UnCanny Barista Blend is Served at More Cafes Than Any Other Brand

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All health. No high.


All our products are formulated to be as clean and pure as possible. The ingredients we use are organically grown or non-GMO, and we never use harmful emulsifiers or solvents. We keep it real.


We believe in supplying you with the CBD ingredient you need for a 'choose your own adventure' approach, so we don't add any unnecessary ingredients or flavors to our products.


Our CBD powder is converted from oil to a highly bioavailable, water-soluble powder that easily mixes into your favorite drinks - providing up to 10x better absorption in the stomach than CBD oil.

Barista Blend

Flavorless. Simple. Effective. The #1 choice of cafes across the country!


Master your sleep-wake cycle with premium plant-derived adaptogens.

REST: CBN, CBD, hemp, valerian, and chamomile to facilitate restful nights. RISE: hemp, ashwagandha, moringa, and matcha to naturally fuel your rise into each day.

The Daily Dose

The Daily Dose is our line of capsules that contain water-soluble CBD powder + native terpenes for maximum efficacy. They're the perfect addition to any supplement routine and come in two different strengths so you can get right dose every time.

The Barista Blend

The Barista Blend is our water-soluble CBD powder, plain and simple with no added flavors or unnecessary ingredients. It's designed to infuse into any drink - coffee, tea, smoothies, juices, cocktails... you name it. It comes in three convenient size options and each jar contains a 3D printed hemp scooper for easy and accurate dosing.

Happy Customers Since 2016

"Amazing! I recently bought the powder and capsules as part of my self care routine. It helped a lot with my mental health as well as sleep. We start our weekend morning with the powder blended in our coffee and end our week night with a capsule before bed time. This stuff is amazing and works fast." - Kaprice

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Seeking wholesale partners.

Incoporating CBD into your business is a great way to provide value for your customers, create a positive buzz for your busienss, and increase sales! If you own or work with a business that makes delicious drinks we have the perfect wholesale program for you.

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Sustainability is in our DNA.

We believe business should be a vehicle for positive change in this world. As such, we offset our carbon emissions from shipping, use 3D printed hemp plastic scoopers and donate a portion of sales to a nonprofit focused on regenerative community development.

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